
  • "The Service is wonderful and much appreciated. Made to feel comfortable, safe and welcoming. "


  • "I have found this service particularly more useful than other therapies I have tried. I feel like I have made good progress to address my needs."


  • "Absolutely fantastic. My sessions are brilliant and informative. Thank you."


  • "The service that’s provided to me is top notch, professional and I can find no fault at all. Without the help I receive I would 80% chance have tried or considered causing myself harm or even death."


  • "I would highly recommend the Service to anyone who needs it. [the counsellor] has listened to my worries and anxieties and helped me deal with them."


  • "I think the Magdalene Project is a fantastic resource and more longer term counselling should be made available on the NHS or funding increased for charities such as this. "
